Thursday, June 17, 2010

classes: the bard


Important Abilities: Charisma, Dex, Int
Bonus Spells: Charisma
Minimum score to cast spell: 10 + spell level
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Hit die: d6
Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all of them) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int mod) x 4
Skill Points at additional levels: 6 + Int mod
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, plus longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip
Armor Proficiency: Light, shield (except tower)

Class Features:
a. Spells (level 1): Arcane spells, does not need to prepare ahead of time, has verbal components, to cast: Cha score = 10+spell level, DC against a bard spell = 10+spell level+Cha mod
b. Bardic Knowledge (level 1): For knowledge concerning local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places, add intelligence mod + bard level as a bonus.
c. Bardic Music (level 1): Once per day per bard level; can activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing, whistling, and/or playing a musical instrument. Requires ranks in perform. Standard action, and must maintain spell. If deaf, %20 chance to fail. If failed, the attempt still counts against daily limit.
d. Countersong (level 1):

Adventuring: Opportunity to learn
Characteristics: Magic is charms and illusions, music and poetry, rogueish
Alignment: Guided by whim and intuition, non-lawful
Religion: Fharlanghn, Corellon Larethian, Pelor, Olidammara, Erythnul
Background: Mentored by other bards, competitive with other bards
Races: Human, gnome, half-elf, elf, centaurs, not well with half-orcs, dwarves, or halflings
Relations: Gets along with all
Role: Jack of all trades, supporting

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

classes: the barbarian


Important Abilities: Strength, Con, Dex, Wis
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Hit die: d12
Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)
Skill Points at 1st level: (4 + Int mod) x 4
Skill Points at additional levels: 4 + Int mod
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, martial
Armor Proficiency: Light, medium, shields (non-tower)

Class Features:
a. Fast Movement (level 1): +10 speed
b. Illiteracy (level 1): Cannot read or write, can spend 2 skill points to become literate
c. Rage (level 1): +4 Str, Con, +2 Will, -2 AC, +2 HP per level, last for 3 + new Con mod rounds; becomes fatigued, -2 Str, Dex, for rest of encounter; once per day, +1 at every four levels (4, 8, 12)
d. Uncanny Dodge (level 2): Retains Dex bonus to AC if caught flat-footed; if Barbarian already has Uncanny Dodge, gains Improved Uncanny Dodge
e. Trap Sense (level 3): +1 to reflex saves to avoid traps, +1 to AC against traps; rises by +1 every 3 levels (6, 9, 12)
f. Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 5): Cannot be flanked or sneak attacked.
g. Damage Reduction (level 7): Subtracts 1 point of damage from every weapon and natureal attack. At level 10, and every three levels afterward (13, 16, 19 etc) this raises by 1.
h. Greater Rage (level 11): Bonuses to Str and Con during rage increase to +6, bonus to Will saves increases to +3.
i. Indomitable Will (level 14): Gains +4 bonus on Will saves against enchantments.
j. Tireless Rage (level 17): No longer becomes fatigued at end of rage.
k. Mighty Rage (level 20): Bonuses to Str and Con increase to +8, bonus to Will increases to +4.

Adventuring: Find a place in civilized society, distaste for unnatural things such as the undead, demons, and devils
Characteristics: Excellent warrior, highly trained and disciplined, at home in the wild
Alignment: Never lawful, honorable, but wild
Religion: Distrust established religions, Kord, Obad Hai, Erythnul
Background: Uncivilized lands, tribal communities
Races: Human, half orc, dwarf
Relations: Comfortable with rangers, druids, and clerics, admire bards, don't like sorcerers or wizards, but trust sorcerers more, struggle with monks
Role: Front-line combat specialist, scout

character sheet: the beginning

1. Character Name
Your character's name can be anything you want, at all. Some people use serious names, some people name their character "Mountain Dew."

2. Player
This is where your name goes. You cannot possibly screw this up.

3. Class and Level
There are 11 classes you can choose from:
a. Barbarian: take damage, deal damage, not smart, very strong
b. Bard: Charms, illusions, supportive/ adverse spells through music
c. Cleric: Extra ‘domain’ spells, magic ruled by deity
d. Druid: Magic associated with nature, gain animal companion
e. Fighter: More tactical than Barbarian, but less strong
f. Monk: Hand-to-hand combat, non-lethal damage (knocks the enemy unconscious)
g. Paladin: Similar to fighter, must be lawful good, fights for justice
h. Ranger: Specializes in ranged or two-hand combat, animal companion at level 4
i. Rogue: Thief, many skills
j. Sorcerer: Inborn magic, less spells, more castings per day
k. Wizard: Learned magic, more spells, less castings per day

You write your level right after your class. So, if you're a level 5 fighter, you write 'Fighter5.' If you're a level 3 fighter and a level 2 ranger, you write 'Fighter3Ranger2.'

4. Race
There are 7 races you can choose from:
a. Human: Adaptable, jack of all trades; Favored class: Any.
b. Dwarf: Sturdy, but not so good with people; Favored class: Fighter.
c. Elf: Quick but weak; Favored class: Ranger, Druid
d. Gnome: Tricksters, very small; Favored class: Bard
e. Half-Elf: bred between human/elf, chaotic, inventive; Favored class: Any.
f. Half-Orc: Outcasts, short-tempered, self-controlled; Favored class: Barbarian.
g. Halfling: Wanderers, opportunists; Favored class: Rogue.

5. Alignment
This is the way your character acts. If you act otherwise, your alignment changes.
a. Lawful Good: Crusader. Compassionate, honor, sense of duty. (Batman, Dick Tracy, Indiana Jones)
b. Neutral Good: Benefactor. Altruistic, guided by conscious. (Zorro, Spider-Man)
c. Chaotic Good: Rebel. Change for the greater good, personal freedom. (Robin Hood)
d. Lawful Neutral: Judge. Traditional, strict values, morals are second to beliefs. (James Bond, Odysseus)
e. Neutral: you can’t be this, so don’t bother. Most animals are this.
f. Chaotic Neutral: Anarchist. Individualist, own freedom comes first. (Jack Sparrow)
g. Lawful Evil: Dominator. Obey authority, twist rules to work in your favor. (Boba Fett, Magneto)
h. Neutral Evil: Malefactor. Selfish, will not go out of your way to cause carnage. (Mystique)
i. Chaotic Evil: you can’t do this either.

6. Deity
a. Heironeous, God of Valor
b. Moradin, God of the Dwarves
c. Yondalla, Goddess of the Halflings
d. Ehlonna, Goddess of the Woodlands
e. Garl Glittergold, God of the Gnomes
f. Pelor, God of the Sun
g. Corellon Larethian, God of the Elves
h. Kord, God of Strength
i. Wee Jas, Goddess of Death and Magic
j. St. Cuthbert, God of Retribution
k. Boccob, God of Magic
l. Fharlenghn, God of Roads
m. Obad-Hai, God of Nature
n. Olidammara, God of Thieves
o. Hextor, God of Tyranny
p. Nerull, God of Death
q. Vecna, God of Secrets
r. Erythnul, God of Slaughter
s. Gruumsh, God of the Orcs

7. Size
There are 9 general sizes every creature can be:
a. Fine: 6 inches or less
b. Diminutive: 1 ft
c. Tiny: 2 ft
d. Small: 4 ft
e. Medium: 8 ft
f. Large: 16 ft
g. Huge: 32 ft
h. Gargantuan: 64 ft
i. Colossal: more than 64 ft

If you're a Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, or a Half-Orc, write 'M' (medium).
If you're a Halfling or a Gnome, write 'S' (small).

8. Age, Gender, Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Skin
Write anything you want here, it won't really matter.